5 Tips to maintain Energy Levels throughout your Weight Loss Journey
Do you feel exhausted when starting a weight loss journey or introducing exercise into your lifestyle? Your diet, amount of sleep, fluid and electrolyte intake, and micronutrients’ levels in your body are the factors that decide whether you will feel energetic or sluggish. One has to analyse the current habits and determine what is acutually killing your energy. Can rapid weight loss make you weak? Are you on a weight loss spree? Are you experiencing weakness while losing weight ? Weakness is common when you lose weight fast . Losing weight rapidly may be lucrative but you will suddenly feel energy deprived. It is difficult to maintain and may backfire. You may end up gaining back the weight you lost so quickly. You need to choose the right weight loss plan and not a rapid one so that you adjust gradually without feeling exhausted. Why do you feel weak while losing weight? Weight loss programs are designed to reduce your calorie inta...